Sunday, 26 January 2025 Bharat’s 76th Republic Day Our nation Bharat celebrates our 76th Republic Day today. This day in 1950 is when the Nation’s Constitution was adopted after we gained or Independence from the British on 15th Aug 1947. A CONSTITUTION is a set of fundamental Laws and Rules of how the Nation would be governed. It describes the…

Perceptions & Responses

Sunday, 19 January 2025 The splendor of Life is really in the infinitesimal moments that are woven together like beads on a long chain. Each bead is rich in content, helping us learn and evolve, making our Life truly joyful & magnificent, unique & full of immense possibilities. Any journey that we undertake would become very memorable if we absorb…

Can we see the forest inside every seed?

Every piece of creation that we see on the planet (and many species that have not survived) have unique traits and characteristics. There are things that worms and insects do, that humans cannot! The eagle soars and the shark dives deep, we humans cannot do so on our own unless we leverage some technology.Yet every human has immense potential! How…