Why LifeMaximum?

We are very fortunate that we are not merely any other creature but a human being, which in the overall scheme of things is the highest evolutionary creature.  Having received this gift of a human life, we also have a tremendous potential within each of us, of being able to co-create our own destiny.

Not many of us have these realizations. Neither the educational system nor the societal system strongly propagates this possibility. Thus, many of us never even attempt to Live our Life to a Maximum before we breath our last. Am perpetually disturbed by this aspect and consider this a monumental waste of around 73 years1 of each human life (The UN estimates 72.6 years as the average global life expectancy in 2019).

So how can everyone recognize one’s mortality and use whatever time one has left in this life, to Live one’s Life to a Maximum?

The answer to that is so simple and very clear: By helping as many other humans as possible to Live their Life to a Maximum! And that is what LifeMaximum has to retain as its central core purpose.

Elaborating this aspect in greater detail, this purpose would encompass:

  1. Leaders of organisations2, have a tremendous responsibility and opportunity to positively impact those under their charge. Being at the apex of the organisational pyramid, they possess the ability to generate a tremendous ripple effect in their organisations. However, in order to do so, they themselves need to be willing & able to subscribe to the credo of “Living Life to the Maximum”. They should also be able to demonstrate this in action, consistently. It is only then that they can inspire and direct others under their charge, to also aspire for this immense possibility.  In doing so, these organisations would clearly be able to perform exceptionally well and be world leaders in their domain of activity. LifeMaximum’s intent is to touch and positively impact as many of such leaders as possible.
  • All individuals are essentially leaders of their own life, having the power to craft their own destiny. They may not sit on top of any organisational hierarchy, but they do sit on top of their own Life’s pyramid and are supposed to be in full control! However small that pyramid may be, it still has a set of constituent members that we could define as a Family. Towards the midpoint of any human’s life, all of us irrespective of gender, do come to a stage when we assume the role of the “head of the family”. So, whether you are at the top of the family pyramid or merely a constituent member of your family pyramid, you have the opportunity to Live your Life to the Maximum, and actualize this possibility for others in your family. So, every such individual, the entire human population, is LifeMaximum’s “target segment”.

Like LifeMaximum, surely many numerous other similar initiatives all around the world would already be having a similar endeavour. It is just not feasible for LifeMaximum alone to address the entire 7.868 Billion3 of us!! The attempt is to ensure that LifeMaximum does impact positively as many individuals as it can and constantly maximize this number.

  • The many years of experience in the corporate + social organisation domains, encompassing interactions with stakeholders in India and numerous other countries, does provide one with a rich set of learnings. I personally have had the good fortune and privilege of being considered worthy of holding the highest levels of responsibility in many organisations. Be it formulating & driving Organisational Strategy end-to-end, implementing Operational & Execution capabilities within multiple functions in organizations, or enhancing 360o stakeholder values, I have been able to add great value. This is something that can be pivotal in terms of Consulting engagements with today’s organisations. LifeMaximum will therefore aspire to connect, engage and add value to such organisations.

Note: The sequence of events does not have to follow the 1,2,3 numbering of the above bullet points. They have not been placed in any order of preference or sequence. All three are equally relevant and significant from LifeMaximum’s perspective.

The HOW.

The accumulated experiences and learnings of the past so many years of existence of the people at LifeMaximum, is what LifeMaximum wishes to leverage. In doing so, every such forthcoming engagement of LifeMaximum will also be a fertile ground to enrich LifeMaximum’s own on-going experiences. In enabling others to Live their Life to a Maximum, we ourselves would also Live our Life to a Maximum.

At the immediate start-up phase, LifeMaximum would like to possibly address Covid related issues that many are faced with (business continuity, economic survival, job loss, health, grief, anxiety??). Being in a stage where LifeMaximum itself is taking off from base ground level, it would address these needs as a clear-cut initial low hanging fruit. Possibly initial few events could even be gratis, to try and use these as our own trial runs for entire process flow, establish familiarity and recall among a few target segments etc. Objective would be to add clear value and also use these events to publicise LifeMaximum’s existence, use referrals from these as a base for LifeMaximum.

And as LifeMaximum matures, it shall enhance its range of offerings in a structured client-centred manner.

Today’s technological advancements enables us to connect with anyone, anywhere, anytime, anyhow. One is not constrained by physical proximity or lack thereof, to be able to connect and make an impact. LifeMaximum has to devise and deploy a strong Digital Strategy to expedite, maximize and accelerate its reach.

While one has been a consumer of various forms of digital content, LifeMaximum does not have any direct skill-set or capabilities when it comes to a Digital Strategy. This is a great learning opportunity for LifeMaximum! LifeMaximum wishes to educate itself, reach out to like-minded friends in one’s network, to formulate and execute on a feasible “Digital Strategy for LifeMaximum” in the shortest period of time.

The Internet and everything in it would be LifeMaximum’s single most powerful vector. For obvious reasons, the speed and reach that the Internet offers is what LifeMaximum would need to leverage as an imperative. Be it the website and other digital collaterals of LifeMaximum, the digital brand persona of LifeMaximum, the outbound and inbound connectivity channels with the people that LifeMaximum wishes to connect with, the quality and quantum of impact that LifeMaximum wishes to have on its larger “LifeMaximum digital community” etc, all these are / would be fundamental elements of LifeMaximum’s Digital Strategy. 

The Digital Strategy has to address the following at a minimum:

  • How will LifeMaximum identify, target and connect with its intended “LifeMaximum Community” members?
  • How will LifeMaximum convert these connects to actual meaningful engagements?
  • How will LifeMaximum deliver its offerings to the community members?
  • How will LifeMaximum measure the effectiveness of both its content and delivery?
  • How will LifeMaximum constantly enhance its reach as well as effectiveness? How will LifeMaximum create and enhance its digital brand personality?
  • How will LifeMaximum constantly measure the pulse of its intended community, assess evolving needs, address all of this by tweaking its offerings with contemporarily relevant content and delivery methodologies for e.g Teachable?
  • How will LifeMaximum make its digital collaterals viable and sustainable on a long term, for-profit basis?
  • How will LifeMaximum increase its “client retention” and establish strong relationships, which in itself has to translate to strong referrals and repeat engagements.
  • How will LifeMaximum attract like-minded folks, thereby increasing its own strength in terms of constituent members of LifeMaximum?
  • How can LifeMaximum drive synergy with other such initiatives that are in alignment with LifeMaximum’s purpose.
  • ……………And all other relevant aspects of a comprehensive digital strategy that we are blissfully unaware of today.

The engagements with the “LifeMaximum Community” would be primarily in the “online” mode which today has become quite familiar to most of us. Even those who were not very “internet-savvy” before our dear Covid virus turned up in early 2020, have embraced the digital connect. Incidentally while we may all vilify the virus, we need to be grateful for this positive aspect.

Having said that, LifeMaximum is open to engage face-to-face physically as well, when the circumstances require this, and when it is practically feasible to do so. 

Date: 25 May 2021, Coimbatore.

Notes & References:

  1. Human Life Expectancy  https://ourworldindata.org/life-expectancy#:~:text=The%20United%20Nations%20estimate%20a,any%20country%20back%20in%201950.
  2. Organisations: Business enterprises of any kind, Academia and Educational Institutions nurturing the next generation, Not-For-Profit entities, Social Communities etc
  3. https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/#:~:text=8%20Billion%20(2023)

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