Celebrate LIFE !

The last Sunday of 2024 is here and in two days’ time we will gear up to welcome 2025 !
Birthdays, Anniversaries, New Years and various festivals etc are moments of celebration indeed.
But “Dil Maange More!”

Why celebrate just once a year? Can we not have “Har Roz Tyohaar” or “Har Pal Tyohaar”. Can we not Live Life To The Maximum!

Birth and Death are the beginning and ending of Life.

The seasons Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter also represent the waxing and waning of Life.
The lunar cycles with the waxing and waning of the moon are also similar representations.
Likewise, Sunrise and Sunset, Day and Night are the microcosm of Life. Each day that we are fortunate to be alive, is nothing but a representation of Life itself. This LIFE is just a brief journey of around 30000 to 35000 days, maybe some of us would have a few more days beyond that. Celebrate each day ! And while you are at it, make the world a better place for yourself and also for every other person and creature on the planet.

And within each living moment the breath itself is a representation of LIFE. Presence of breath is an indicator of LIFE. The inhalation is akin to birth and the exhalation is akin to death. When a newborn child comes out of the womb, it takes its first inhalation……and when life passes out of our body, it does so, with an exhalation.

For moving away from COMPULSION to CONSCIOUSNESS, the breath is a powerful tool. The four stages of breath: Pooraka (inhalation), Kumbhaka (fullness of breath), Rechaka (Exhalation) & finally, Shoonyaka (Emptiness of breath), when done with deep awareness, helps strengthen our deepest core.
Celebrate every breath, every day, every month and every year ! Celebrate every moment indeed !

Have a blissful and wonderful year ahead in 2025, filled with amazing moments.

Live Life To The Maximum !
29 December 2024
Day 23024

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