Perceptions & Responses….Part 2
Sunday, 02 February 2025
Perceptions & Responses…..Part 2
In the earlier post, dated 19th Jan, titled Perceptions & Responses, we talked about why it is vital that we strive to constantly enhance our “perceptions” and also, why we should ensure that our perceptions are always “as they truly are” and not corrupted by our past tendencies / vaasanaas.
One has to make the constant effort to ensure that one is “conscious” of every moment and not living out life in a “compulsive” manner. This does take quite a bit of effort, but is a skill / awareness that one can slowly develop. Being regular in going to a state of deep meditation helps immensely. Meditation is not an activity that one does, but a state of being. So, in effect you don’t do meditation but you become meditative.
Ability to keep yourself alert to what your Body is telling you, being conscious of what your Mind is engaged with are also essential to avoid being “compulsive”.
Remind yourself always: I am not the Body, I am also not the Mind
The Body and the Mind are essentially accumulations. They are extremely useful tools for us to navigate Life. They should be seen as just that…plain tools. We need to keep them honed and fully capable at all times. But we also need to ensure that they do not become the Master! They are there to Serve. There is something else beyond the Body and beyond the Mind, that is the true Master. That is the real I, which is eternal and not restricted to this lifetime. Both the Body and the Mind cease to exist at the point of death. The real I, that is what is eternal and accompanies us on our journey beyond death.
Once we start becoming more “conscious” and when our spine is at its peak capacity as an antenna, our perceptions will be richer and richer.
And then we look at how we RESPOND!
Response + Ability = RESPONSIBILITY.
It is our RESPONSIBILITY to be able to respond in the proper manner. There is a gazillion different ways we could respond to every moment in our Life. How we chose to respond determines on what future karma we accumulate and what past karma we dissolve. Karma is not fatalistic. Karma is plain and simple “cause and effect”. Every response (action / thought / deed etc) that we create in every moment is the “cause”, & will have an “effect” for sure.
The purpose of Life is (1) to have the richest of perceptions, & (2) to respond most consciously…. and by doing these we steadily and gradually dissolve our karmic balance and do not accumulate any further karmic balance. That is how we evolve.
As a “seeker” I too am in the journey to enhance my perception and to ensure that I respond consciously!
Live Life To The Maximum!
Day 23059