LifeMaximum's Persona

  • LifeMaximum's endeavour is to help as many humans as possible to become aware of & realize their infinite potential and then enable them to tap ino this potential

  • LifeMaximum's primary focus is on "the number of lives impacted positively". This will be the main metric that will be tracked at LifeMaximum.

  • Ultimately it is an individual and a set of individuals that come together as Teams and Organisations. It is when individuals start living to their fullest potential, that Organisations too would thrive

  • LifeMaximum's offerings are based on fundamental universal principles, wisdom of people with elevated consciousness levels, our own experiences and learnings assimilated over this lifetime.

  • LifeMaximum is also in its own journey of seeking & learning. Every person we connect with, will also impart their unique perspectives on LifeMaximum's journey.

  • LifeMaximum intends to leverage the references of the people we impact positively, to propel the growth story of LifeMaximum.

  • LifeMaximum will focus on building a sustainable "LifeMaximum Community" as a platform to enable collaboration with other like-minded individuals and groups.

  • Revenue generation is important, primarily to sustain the growth rate of LifeMaximum.

  • LifeMaximum will ensure that affordability shall never be a limiting factor depriving anyone from accessing our offerings.