Perceptions & Responses

Sunday, 19 January 2025

The splendor of Life is really in the infinitesimal moments that are woven together like beads on a long chain. Each bead is rich in content, helping us learn and evolve, making our Life truly joyful & magnificent, unique & full of immense possibilities.

Any journey that we undertake would become very memorable if we absorb as much as we can during the course of the journey. The more we absorb, the more memorable the experience. Likewise in the journey of Life, how much we immerse ourselves into every moment, how much we assimilate, will determine the richness of our life. And in order to do we have to be able to “perceive” the varied hues of every moment, every little nuance. The richer our “perception” of every moment, richer our Life will be.

We perceive every moment through the five sensory organs. Beyond these five senses, there could be other senses, which may not be fully developed in us. There are methods and means to develop these other senses, which are practiced by yogis. The pineal gland and the “third eye” is one such sense that lies dormant and needs to be awakened with kriyas.

The two powerful faculties that Humans have, MEMORY (of the past) and IMAGINATION (of the future), need to be harnessed in a manner such that they do not mar the experience of the moment. Oftentimes we look at situations through the lens of or past experiences and that colours our perception. By doing so, we do not experience the moment AS IT IS, but in a distorted manner. The effort should be to experience moment AS IT REALLY IS. That is true INSIGHT. By doing so, we live life Consciously and not Compulsively. We should not let our past tendencies / vaasanaas to impact our present. Perceive things “as they truly are”.

The spine is the “axis mundi”, the “meru dhanda”. Akin to an antennae. The higher the receptivity of the spine, the better or perceptions are. How well we maintain the spine will determine the richness of or perceptions. Exercises and kriyas to maintain the spine in top condition is essential.

And once we perceive, or ability to respond is truly unlimited. Conscious choice of our RESPONSEs will determine the outcomes. Living life consciously and not compulsively, will determine the rate at which past karma is obliterated and the accumulation of new karma.

Life is just that: To enhance the richness of our perception and to ensure that we respond consciously.

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