R E L A T I O N S H I P S!!! A metric for our LIFE.
The sum total of moments between our birth and death, is what we call LIFE.
And in this LIFE, what we get are numerous moments of different “relationships”. Relationship with other humans, Relationship with other pieces of Creation. Relationship with oneself and one’s own interiority. In reality, our relationships are life’s greatest gifts.
Our relationships with our parents, partners, friends, brothers and sisters, our kids, co-workers, teachers, coaches & mentors, roommates – life offers us so many avenues to connect.
- Our intimate relationships are where we find passion and joy.
- Our friendships are where we find variety and love.
- Our community is where we find connection and fulfilment.
But these very relationships which determine the true character of our LIFE, are also the aspects of our lives where apparently, so much is at stake. Where we are at our most vulnerable. Where we’re exposed enough to get hurt more than anytime else. Why? Because it taps into our deepest fears: Inadequacy: that we’re not enough, Self-Worth: that we won’t be loved. And many more. Many of these emotions are triggered by our inherent self-preservation instinct. Which kicks in if we allow our compulsive nature to dominate.
We go into our survival brain – into fight or flight, and it suddenly feels like life and death. In these very moments, we as Humans have the ability to pause and exercise our volition and choice. To exercise a conscious choice and not succumb to our compulsive nature. To take away that charge and to choose love every single time. We have this unique ability. That will happen, when we overcome our sense of individual identity and cease to see ourselves as separate from the rest.
Think about this: If tomorrow weren’t guaranteed – if today was your last day on earth, how would that change the way you interact with those around you?
If you were facing death – if your partner were facing death – what would you let go of? Would your conflict feel so big and important? What would you communicate? How would you be present with those around you? How would you love them?
Then next time you feel that charge in any relationship, remember to pause, take a deep breath and ask yourself… “If I were to die today, how would I love?”
And even in our moments of solitude… when we may think we are alone…..we are really in our most amazing moments of relationships…….the relationship with our inner self……a relationship with the source of all creation……a relationship with that which is part of each of us….so in a manner of speaking, even our solitude is a relationship with everything and everyone around us. So even in solitude we are truly in multitude….
When we look back at our Life and do a process check, how will we rate ourselves?
How we conduct our Relationships is the only important TEST / DETERMINANT of how well we have LIVED OUR LIFE. Give your maximum in every relationship. Don’t Focus on the taking in each relationship. Only focus on the giving. Trust and believe that what you have to get in any relationship will automatically come to you. Trust the grace and abundance all around us.
And personally, I try and count every day as another blessing, an opportunity to really be *Better than Before* at practicing this game of relationships….at this game of LIFE….
Live with passion!!
Live Life to the Maximum!
Excellent thoughts…
Namaskaram life Maximum in helping to unknot and experience unlimited thought process of giving and living to fullest joy in oneself and sharing it our very next being
I always feel infinity bands and positive anything related to Life Maximum vision and mission in bring changes around
To our dear Mentor
Thank you so much for your wisdom. Such great advice here. What a delicate balance of knowing what to let go off and what is worth holding onto and fighting for.
And ultimately, trying really really hard to not let our decisions be guided by our ego and “self-protective” instinct.
May we always, always find a way to choose love.
Yes indeed dear Vijayeta. May we always be guided by that infinite Grace to choose to be like a Mother to the Universe. Unconditional and all-inclusive love !
– This Moment Is Inevitable
– My Ability To Respond Is Unlimited
– I am a Mother to the Universe