Blog post
Survive, Thrive, Maximize – Which mode of Life are you in?

Survive, Thrive, Maximize – Which mode of Life are you in?

We have often heard of “Don’t just Survive, but strive to Thrive!”

Personally, I look at Life not just in these two modes of existence viz. Survive & Thrive. I also include a third mode which is Maximize.


A vast majority of humanity lives Life, in this mode, getting by from one day to the next, not very sure of even if they would get their next meal. Eking out an existence with bare necessities. Many focused on hanging on to some source of income, to provide for basic essentials. The question in one’s mind is “What do I get?”


Beyond the Survive mode. With a steady and growing income stream, ability to upskill oneself and advance professionally & socially. Ability to experience a far larger slice of life and enjoy luxuries and see the world. Ability to nurture not just oneself and one’s own family but also provide for a few others in the community. Ability to increase one’s circle of influence. The questions in one’s mind are “What do I get?” & a fair bit of “What can I give?”

Then what would the Maximize mode, really imply?


Discovering one’s true Purpose in Life, identifying your unique gifts and abilities, sharing that with the whole world and serving humanity unconditionally. Tapping into the infinite intelligence within each of us. Living your life like a true steward, for the duration of your existence on the planet. Exploring your life’s limitless possibilities. Truly Living Life to the Maximum! The laser-pointed focus in one’s mind is “To give unconditionally”. With the fullest confidence that what is due to me will anyway come to me from the Universe. For, that is the Universal Law.

One may misconstrue that before one comes to the Maximize mode, one has to have accumulated a lot of knowledge, wealth and a whole lot of material successes and accomplishments, before one can get to the Maximize mode. But nothing could be farther from the truth. 

In reality, all of us are in a mix of these three modes. If one were to closely introspect into ones Life, one will discover that in different facets of Life, we may be operating in any of these three modes. You may apparently seem to be existing in the Survive mode, but really operating with your interiority being in the Maximize mode.

Our Life would be truly wonderful if we consciously addressed all facets of our life and ventured to Maximize each of them.

Live Life to the Maximum!

Look out for the next blog on: “Our LIFE and its different FACETs, living Life in Harmony”

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