Blog post
The Magnificence of being a Human

The Magnificence of being a Human

Of the many forms of creation around us in this Planet Earth that we call our Home, we as Humans are at the peak of evolution. While that is indeed a tremendous privilege, it is a responsibility too.

  • A privilege to experience this lifetime to the fullest extent, with all the tremendous faculties that we are born with. Some that we use daily in the course of our existence. And some that we may not even be aware of, leave alone tap into.
  • A responsibility to conduct our life so harmoniously that we leave this planet a far richer place than when we came into it.

A lifetime is a journey from Point B to Point D!

It is nothing but the series of moments between our Birth and Death. With Death as the only real certainty for all of us, would we not want to experience every single moment within this journey, to its fullest?

  • To be always childlike in curiosity and in awe. To always be in a state of “I want to Know More”.
  • To be aware of the supreme intelligence within each of us, that which is a part of the Source of all Creation?
  • To be able to tap into this supreme intelligence and leverage it to the fullest while we experience every moment that we encounter in our journey of Life?
  • To unconditionally include every other piece of creation around us, within which too the supreme intelligence exists, as a natural extension of ourselves?
  • To go beyond the idea of one’s immediate “family” and include every other human on this planet as one’s own? And other species as well!
  • To explore all dimensions in one’s life and go beyond the basic mode of Survive towards the modes of Thrive and Maximize!

Why settle for less when this magnificent Human Life has so much to offer us?

Come join us in this journey and Live Life to the Maximum!

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