Wheel of Harmony

Life can be mapped and assessed across eight distinct facets. 


You have the choice and the volition to determine the scope and extent for each of these facets for yourself. Where you are with reference to each facet , does impact your status in the other facets of your life as well. As, while each facet is distinct, there is an inter-connectedness. 


Maintaining a harmony between these eight facets, leads to a wholesome life. And working on maximizing  each of these facets, leads to living to your  infinite potential. 


Regular reviews and re-prioritizing of these eight facets is strongly recommended. 


The Eight Facets of LIFE: 

Family & Home

Our heart beats for our family. Our main reason for existence. They are our source of strength and inspiration. They are the ones with whom we can confide our concerns and aspirations.

Physical & Mental Wellness​

Navigating through daily situations needs a fully capable body and mind. The body-mind connect can be leveraged to the max. The possibility to attract and manifest.

Financial Wellbeing

Monetary wealth determines your purchasing power and standard of living. It also enables future wealth generation both active and passive. It also determines your standard of giving. 

Profession & Career

A sum-total of your monetisable skillsets and capabilities. How well you position yourself and deliver, determines your growth. Constant up-skilling is essential in today’s dynamic world. 

Personal Development

Investing in oneself is the best form of investment. Beyond skills for the work-place, other capabilities make life really fun. Seeking help and giving help, both add immense value to an individual.

Social & Community

Expanding the reach beyond family and friends widens the circle of influence. Offering your capabilities nurtures deep bonds with others. Community is a major source of strength and support.

Leisure & Recreation​

Adding colour and vibrance to one’s life and that of our family. Broadens the perspective and raises one’s enthusiasm for life. Eliminates the monotony and recharges your inner self.

Spirituality & Ethics

Your internal compass, principles and values that you hold dear. Recognising that you and the universe around you are inter-connected. Exploring yourself to uncover the fullest possibilities.

Live Life To  The Maximum!